- What is the zodiacal symbol for Pisces?
- What is the name of the poker hand which consists of three of a kind and a pair?
- Which country boasts the largest area – Australia, Brazil or India?
- What year followed 1BC?
- What band did Boy George spring to fame with?
- Whose autobiography is entitled, I am not Spock!?
- What tropic passes through Australia?
- What country is the worlds largest exporter of frogs’ legs?
- In the game Risk, which of the continents is considered easiest to defend?
- What two actresses starred in The Good Life?
- Who was assassinated on April 4, 1968?
- What Bond film featured the partially-dressed Ursula Andress as co-star?
- When did the three points for a win start in the football league?
- What did Tom Tom the pipers son steal?
- Who portrayed Reggie Perrin and Rigsby?
For the answers, swipe below:
- Two fish
- A full house
- Brazil
- 1.AD
- Culture Club
- Leonard Nimoy
- Capricorn
- Japan
- Australasian
- Penelope Keith + Felicity Kendall
- Martin Luther King JNR.
- Dr. No
- 1981
- He stole a pig
- Leonard Rossiter
BW Debut: FCH Bar, Cheltenham 08/11/01
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